Mamauki Coffee House's Packaging Emphasizes The Importance Of The Details
Aja Marie Johnson designed the packaging for Mamauki, a coffee house and creative hub based in Round Top, Texas. The stunning black and white illustrations make up the label decor, while the pill-shaped labels and wrapped typography add even more visual interest. The look and feel of the packaging take inspiration from vintage prints with Western motifs and a caravan expedition in the mountains of Peru, and the result is an absolutely stunning example of thinking about packaging design with an emphasis on the details.
Aja Marie Johnson은 텍사스주 라운드탑에 본사를 둔 커피 하우스이자 크리에이티브 허브인 Mamauki의 포장을 디자인했습니다. 멋진 흑백 삽화가 라벨 장식을 구성하고 알약 모양의 라벨과 포장된 타이포그래피가 시각적인 흥미를 더합니다. 포장의 모양과 느낌은 서양을 모티브로 한 빈티지 프린트와 페루 산속의 캐러밴 탐험에서 영감을 얻었으며, 그 결과는 세부 사항에 중점을 둔 포장 디자인에 대해 생각한 절대적으로 놀라운 예입니다.
Introducing Mamauki: coffee house and creative hub in a retro and renovated auto shop off of Route 237 in Round Top, Texas. The branding was inspired by vintage prints with western motifs and a caravan expedition on the mountains of Peru. Mamauki will soon be launching their new collection of organic Peruvian coffee beans and bottled cold brew.
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